Humber Summit Family Dental - North York

Dr. Murali Ramamoorthi


“I am passionate about minimal intervention, comprehensive patient management, and working with patients of all ages.”

Dr. Murali graduated completed his Master’s in Prosthodontics in India in 2000. Before moving to Canada, he worked in different countries as a Clinician and Associate Professor, teaching Prosthodontics and Implantology. After obtaining a Master’s of Dental Sciences in 2015, Dr. Murali went on to earn his DMD from McGill University in 2019. During this program, he was awarded Dr. Ernest R. Ambrose Scholarship in Dentistry for excellence in Restorative Dentistry. He was also a team member of the Craniofacial Stem Cell and Tissue Engineering Laboratory at McGill University. He has authored more than 30 publications in the field of dentistry.

Some of Dr. Murali’s other accolades include a Graduate excellence award in Dentistry 2013-2015, and a Doctoral Training Award by the Fond de Recherche enSanté du Québec (FRSQ) for his research project “Mitigating Radiation-Induced Damage to Salivary Glands by Radiopaque Radiosensitizing Nanoparticle Formulation”.

Dr. Murali’s treatment philosophy is “Prevention is better than cure.” He is a strong believer in working closely with his patients to provide personalized treatment plans with clear explanations to achieve long-lasting dental health. In his free time, Dr. Murali enjoys challenging his son in chess, spending time with his family, and cooking.

What Our Patients Are Saying

Caring and Friendly

Gentle and Wonderful Experience

Kitto Sapla

They are very nice and helpful with all your dental needs. Had a great experience with them. Highly recommend this clinic!

    Humber Summit Family Dental - North York

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